The Singaporean toplegislator congratulated Vietnam on successfully hosting the 132 ndInter-Parliamentary Union Assembly (IPU-132), held in Hanoi from March28 to April 1.
She added that the Singaporeparliament continually supports and is willing to partner with theVietnamese National Assembly and people across sectors to increasemutual understanding.
For his part, Chairman NguyenSinh Hung sent his deep condolences to Singapore over the death offounding Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, saying Vietnamese people rememberhis sentiment and valuable assistance to Vietnam during its nationalconstruction and development.
He highlighted thelong-standing friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnamand Singapore 40 years after establishing their diplomatic ties, which,he said, have been developing across five pillars of the bilateralstrategic partnership.
The NA leader confirmed thatVietnam will do its utmost to drive relations with Singapore forward inan effective and sustainable fashion and in line with the aspirations ofthe two countries’ people.
The Vietnamese NA, inparticular, wants to increase cooperative activities with Singapore’sparliament in law-making, he noted.
He suggestedboth nations maintain high-level delegation exchanges and bolsteraffiliation in culture, trade, security and defence while facilitatingSingaporean investment in Vietnam to increase trade above the current9.8 billion USD.
He welcomed Singapore to expand itsinvestment in Vietnamese industrial parks and asked the island countryto assist Vietnam in education-training and tourism – two Singaporeanstrengths.
The top lawmaker proposed Singaporecontinue to support ASEAN member countries, including Vietnam, tomaintain and ensure security and safety in the East Sea, effectivelyimplement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea(DOC) and work towards the formation of a Code of Conduct in the EastSea (COC).
Yacob revealed Singapore plans to grantadditional scholarships to Vietnamese students and expand trainingcourses for Vietnamese State employees.
Regardingmarine security in the region, she suggested the involved parties seekpeaceful measures to address any disputes and pointed to COC forguidance.-VNA