The event, themed “Reinforcing internal capacity, generating drivers for growthand sustainable development”, drew the participation of some 450 delegates.
In his remarks, Hue highlighted that a wide range of initiatives were raised at the NA’s annual event, helping competent authorities outlineand complete rational mechanisms and policies with a view to removingbottlenecks and developing the economy.
With the sound policies put in place, coupled with determination andleadership from the Party, National Assembly, and Government, Vietnam is able tonavigate headwinds and attain important results, he said, elaborating that theVietnamese economy remains a silver lining in the worldeconomy, with major balances ensured, currency sovereign credit ratingsimproved, bad debt under control, and better investor confidence established.
However, Hue pointed his finger to several pitfalls which, he said, couldhamper the economic development, including a fall in exports, limitations indomestic production capacity, sluggish disbursement of public investment, andstruggling labour market.
Suitable response in the short term and strategic solutions in the long term should beput in place to handle these formidable challenges, he stressed, expressing hishope that the delegates will work to give forecast to global andregional economic and financial developments and challenges for the Vietnameseeconomy in 2023, 2024 and the coming years; and identify the socio-economicsituation and bottlenecks and resilience of the economy in 2023, 2024, and during the 2021- 2025 period.
Additionally, practical solutions to creating a leverage for economic growth arewelcomed, he added./.