Artists Vu Kim Lien and Nguyen Du from the Vietnam Post Corporation(Vietnam Post) were recently declared the winners of the official stampand postmark contest organised by the Thailand Post with joint effortsfrom the Posts of other nine ASEAN countries.
Theten flags of the ASEAN country members make up the main pattern of thestamp, stitched together to become a flower, said Vu Kim Lien, addingthat yellow cornflowers are stylised behind the main pattern torepresent the substantial potential of ASEAN members to develop theiragricultural economies.
The Vietnamese designs, closelyreflecting the ASEAN’s motto of “One vision, one identity, onecommunity”, play a crucial role in enhancing Vietnam’s prestige inculture and art, said Nguyen Quang Vinh, Deputy Head of the postal stampboard under the Vietnam Post.
He highlighted that the jointstamp and postmark are a significant towards postal cooperation amongthe ASEAN state members, adding that they also make a great contributionto popularising the ASEAN Community establishment to the 600 millionresidents in the region.
The issuing of a joint stamp forthe ten ASEAN countries was recommended by the Thailand Post at theASEAN Postal Business Meeting (APBM) held in Cambodia in 2012.
The organising board received 30 stamp designs and 25 postmark designs from all ten ASEAN nations.
Founded in 1967, the ASEAN groups Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.-VNA