Ho, who is acting head of the ASEAN Senior Official Meetings(SOM) delegation of Vietnam, made the remarks while attending the SOM and the 15th meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating CouncilWorking Group (ACCWG) on Timor-Leste’s application for ASEAN membership (ACCWG-TL)held in Jakarta on March 6.
The events, held by ASEAN Chair in 2023 Indonesia, aimed toprepare for the 42nd ASEAN Summit and the foreign ministers’meetings in May.
At the SOM, participants discussed and basically agreed on orientationsfor implementing the bloc’s priorities this year, including promoting growthand recovery; improving institutional capacity and effectiveness of ASEAN; and respondingto non-traditional security challenges, especially those related to foodsecurity, energy security, cyber security, transnational crimes, healthcaresystem resilience, and financial and economic stability.
Talking about ASEAN’s external relations, they reviewed anddiscussed measures for enhancing result-oriented and mutually beneficialcooperation between ASEAN and dialogue partners on the basis of upholding the boc’s centrality and the ASEAN-led mechanisms’ values, particularlypromoting the culture of consultation and dialogue and the evolution of anopen, transparent, inclusive, and rules-based regional architecture.
They also considered approaches to some partners and regionalorganisations’ new proposals for cooperation with ASEAN.
Regarding international and regional issues, the membercountries underlined the need to maintain the bloc’s solidarity and unity andpromote its role and responsible voice, especially amid fast, complex, andunpredictable developments in the region and the world.
They agreed to continue bringing into play ASEAN’s role inassisting Myanmar to seek a feasible and durable solution to the current crisisthrough stepping up the implementation of the Five-Point Consensus; uphold thebloc’s principled stance on the East Sea issue, and show the determination to turnthe East Sea into a sea of peace, cooperation, and development.
Also on March 6, the 15th ACCWG-TL meeting took placewith the attendance of senior officials in charge of the three pillars of theASEAN Community.
The participating countries concurred in continuing to helpTimor-Leste improve its capacity to gradually meet the ASEAN membershipcriteria, and encouraging Timor-Leste to actively engage in the bloc’s existingcapacity building programmes and activities.
Addressing the meetings, Ambassador Ho proposed ASEANmaintain an objective and balanced approach as well as strategic self-reliance toharmoniously and effectively deal with issues in its relations with partners,along with complex international and regional issues that may affect the bloc’scooperation process and common development as well as regional peace, security,and stability.
He also called on ASEAN to build a practical and appropriateroadmap to assist Timor-Leste to thoroughly prepare for its admission into thebloc, adding that Vietnam is ready to work with other countries to helpTimor-Leste improve the capacity of fulfilling the duties of an ASEAN member.
In terms of the East Sea issue, he reaffirmed ASEAN’sprincipled stance and particularly stressed the importance of complying withinternational law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea(UNCLOS). He highlighted Vietnam’s support of the full and effective implementationof the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), and for thepromotion of negotiations to build an effective and substantive Code of Conduct(COC) that matches international law and the 1982 UNCLOS.
The diplomat also pointed out the need for countries todevise a new approach suitable for the current situation during the COCdrafting process.
On March 7 and 8, ASEAN senior officials will attend meetingswith partners, including the ASEAN+3 SOM, the East Asia Summit SOM, the 35th ASEAN - US Dialogue, and the 25th ASEAN - India SOM./.