Vietnam supports EU’s efforts to promote Europe-Asia connectivity

Vietnam supports the European Union (EU)’s efforts to strengthen Europe-Asia connectivity, Nguyen Van Binh, Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, said at the Europa Connectivity Forum in Brussels, Belgium, on September 27.
Vietnam supports EU’s efforts to promote Europe-Asia connectivity ảnh 1Nguyen Van Binh, Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, addresses the Europa Connectivity Forum in Brussels, Belgium, on September 27 (Photo: VNA)

Brussels (VNA) – Vietnam supports the European Union (EU)’s efforts to strengthen Europe-Asia connectivity, Nguyen Van Binh, Politburo member and head of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, said at the Europa Connectivity Forum in Brussels, Belgium, on September 27.

Binh said that the Europe-Asian connectivity will bring about another choice for Asian countries, adding that it must be sustainable and comprehensive on the foundation of international law.

At the forum, Bin, who is also Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee, introduced Vietnam’s achievements after more than 30 years of reform, especially in international economic integration.

As a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council in the 2020-2021 term and Chair of ASEAN in 2020, Vietnam is willing to serve as a bridge connecting the European Union (EU) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) as well as the Asia-Pacific region as a whole, thus optimising potential of both sides and for peace, stability and prosperity of the two continents and the world, he said.

The Vietnamese Party officialstressedthat in order to successfully connect Europe and Asia, it is significant to ensure the unity in diversity of culture, history and institution.

In the context that unilateral activities are eroding trust, escalating tensions,and violating sovereignty and sovereignty rights of other countries, the two continents should increase dialogue, mutual trust and solidarity in the principles of settling disputes through peaceful measures without using or threatening to use force, and strictly abiding by international law, Binh said.

The Europa Connectivity Forum – an innovative multi-stakeholder international conference aimed at fostering dialogue and strengthening ties between governments, financial institutions, and private sector actors in Europe and beyond, drew more than 1,400 delegates, including the Prime Ministers of Japan, Finland and Croatia.

Opening the event, EC President Jean-Claude Juncker said that Europe-Asia connectivity is a necessary factor when countries in the world are becoming dependent on each other, along with common challenges and the development of science and technology.

He held that the connectivity should be sustainable in environment, finance and society basing on respect for a multilateral international order in line with international law, and must be strengthened in various fields, including the speeding up of new generation trade agreement that the EU has signed with Japan, Singapore and Vietnam.

On the sidelines of the forum, Binh had a meeting with President of the Asian Development Bank (ADB) Takehico Nakao, during which he lauded the bank’s and the President’s contributions to Vietnam’s economic development and reform process, while proposing that the bank continue to providing soft loans for Vietnamese firms.

Nakao praised economic achievement of Vietnam over the years, especially its efforts in balancing economic growth and social issues, as well as the effectiveness of partnership between the ADB and Vietnam. He pledged that the ADB will continue to provide loans with proper interest rates for Vietnam in the coming time.

On the occasion, Binh also met German Minister of Economy and Energy Peter Altmaier. The two officials reaffirmed the commitments to promoting partnership between the two nations as well as between the EU and Vietnam, including the acceleration of the ratification and implementation the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement and Investment Protection Agreement./.

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