Vietnam, Sweden seek ways to promote sustainable development

Vietnamese and Swedish experts discussed measures to promote sustainable development on the basis of innovation and creativity at a seminar in Hanoi on October 5.
Vietnam, Sweden seek ways to promote sustainable development ảnh 1Delegates at the event (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnamese and Swedish experts discussed measures to promote sustainable development on the basis of innovation and creativity at a seminar in Hanoi on October 5.

The event offered opportunities to foster links between research institutes, universities, enterprises, investors and policy makers of the two countries.

In his speech, Minister of Science and Technology Chu Ngoc Anh underlined the significance of science technology, innovation and creativity to growth and development of economies, saying that these play a vital role in improving the competitiveness of countries and businesses.

Science-technology cooperation in their fields of strength will be beneficial to both Vietnam and Sweden, he said, noting that it will further step up economic links and opening up chances for Sweden to make inroads into Vietnam’s partner countries.

Ann Linde, Sweden’s Minister for EU Affairs and Trade affirmed her country has become one of the leading countries in innovation and creativity, which helped Sweden turn its industry-based economy into a knowledge economy.

She praised Vietnam’s achievements in recent times, saying that Sweden is willing to share its experience to help Vietnam achieve more economic growth and sustainable development.

Participants of the seminar focused their discussion on specific areas for cooperation, including challenges facing Vietnam in developing environmentally friendly and smart public transport systems and ways to develop Vietnam into a global production centre.-VNA


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