The event will be co-held by Ministry of Transport, Ministry of NaturalResources and Environment, the Hanoi People’s Committee, Japan’s Ministry ofLand, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT), and United Nations Centrefor Regional Development (UNCRD).
This is an annual event that promotes the exchange of professional experienceand awareness of member countries on environmentally sustainable transport.
At the meeting to prepare for EST 12 held in Hanoi, Deputy Minister ofTransport Le Dinh Tho affirmed that Vietnam in general and the Ministry ofTransport in particular was determined to implement the commitments that Vietnamhas participated in to protect the environment for sustainable transportationdevelopment.
"Vietnam was determined to successfully organise the EST 12 to reach highconsensus among its members aiming at the development of smart transportationand low carbon in urban transport," said Tho.
At EST 12, the theme will be “Building Smart Cities Through Smart and LowCarbon – Transport Networks.”
The forum will be a venue to provide policies, technologies and knowledge toparticipating countries and cities to develop smart transportation systems andachieve a low carbon emission.
The main content of the forum include: updating the implementation of the 2030agenda and sustainable development goals (SDGs), which emphasises theobjectives related to transport; approving the action programmes for thefollowing years; discussing options for environmentally sustainabletransportation policies, institutional measures, technical interventions andfinancial mechanisms; and exchanging and promoting sustainable transportationcooperation among partner countries.
The forum is scheduled later this year with about 500 participants includingcountries’ officials and leaders, UN experts, and representatives ofinternational organisations and research institutes.
Choudhury Rudra Charan Mohanty, a UN coordinator, said that transport plays animportant role in sustainable development and environmental protection.
To build environmentally-friendly and smart cities, it is necessary to coordinatepublic and private sectors, he said.
Twelve out of 25 objectives of the SDGs were related to transport development,he added.
According to the UN coordinator, the big challenge for Asian cities was how tomanage the rapid growth of urban passenger and freight transport demand withlimited infrastructure.
Therefore, the effort to build a smart city was not only about improving urbanmobility but also contributes significantly to the 2030 agenda’s objectives oflinking cities, to the Paris commitment and other international programmes ondisaster risk reduction.
In particular, the Paris commitment on climate change calls for strengthening actionsand investing in a sustainable and low-carbon future to limit global averagetemperature rise to below 2oC at the end of the century, he said.
The member countries of EST highly appreciated Vietnam’s work as host, thatdemonstrated the country was strongly participating in environmentalprotection, he added.-VNS/VNA