Vietnam treasures its ties with Cuba

Vietnam attaches an importance to fostering solidarity, friendship and cooperation with Cuba.
Vietnam attaches a great deal of importance to fostering its solidarity, friendship, mutual trust and comprehensive cooperation with Cuba.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated this during his talks with the First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba’s Central Committee and President of the Cuban State Council and the Council of Ministers, Raul Castro Ruz, in Havana on April 9. The talks took place following a State welcome ceremony given General Secretary Trong.

He said that the Vietnamese Party, State and people will always remember and respect Cuba ’s wholehearted support and assistance given to their national liberation and reunification in the past, as well as during the current period of national construction and defence.

President Raul congratulated the Vietnamese people on their remarkable achievements and said that under the sound leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam, he was sure they would successfully carry out the Resolution of the 11 th Party Congress to continue to record excellent outcomes in the cause of national industrialisation and modernisation.

Both leaders agreed on ways of boosting future relations between the two Parties and two States, including increasing the exchange of visits at all levels and sharing their experience, especially in State leadership and socio-economic management.

They emphasised the importance of Party building, personnel training, reforms and creativity during the process of building up socialism in each country.

Both agreed to hold, in rotation, joint seminars between the two Parties on issues of common concern. In that spirit, they stressed on the need to develop economic-trade and investment cooperation to a level on par with their political relationship and take advantage of the potential of both countries.

They agreed to enhance the operations of the Vietnam-Cuba Inter-governmental Committee and look at suitable areas of cooperation, to improve efficiency and sustainability of economic and trade ties.

They will also create the best possible conditions for the business communities of both countries to step up investment and cooperation to make the most of their strengths and potential.

Regarding international and regional issues, the two leaders stressed that the recent positive developments of Latin American left-wing movements have made it easier for revolutionary forces in their struggle for peace, national independence, democracy and social progress.

The ongoing financial crises, economic downturns and social instability in several countries as well as more complex global issues such as poverty, disease outbreak, climate change and damage to the environment make it necessary for socialist values to lead the way to achieve sustainable development for people, they said.

They both confirmed the need to step up cooperation and mutual support at international forums that both countries are members of, especially the United Nations.

General Secretary Trong invited President Raul to visit Vietnam in the near future and the Cuban leader accepted the invitation with pleasure.

On the occasion, President Raul presented the Jose Marti Order, the noblest distinction of the Cuban Party and State, to General Secretary Trong in recognition of his outstanding contributions to developing solidarity and friendship between the two nations.

General Secretary Trong expressed his great honour to receive the Order, which he said, is a vivid demonstration of solidarity and fraternal friendship between the Parties, States and people of Vietnam and Cuba .

In history of the modern world, the special relationship between the Vietnamese and Cuban peoples has become a symbol of the era and is an invaluable asset that needs to be protected, preserved and handed down to the future generation.
Later the same day, the Vietnamese Party leader laid a wreath at the Monument to Jose Marti, Cuba ’s national hero and a great ideologist, who sowed the first seeds of Vietnamese-Cuban solidarity and friendship.

In the evening of April 9, the Communist Party of Cuba’s Central Committee, the Cuban State Council and the Council of Ministers hosted a banquet in honour of General Secretary Trong and his delegation.-VNA

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