Whilereceiving Canada’s Ambassador for Climate Change Patricia Fuller in Hanoi onMarch 29, head of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee’s EconomicCommission Nguyen Van Binh thanked the Canadian Government for its cooperationand assistance to Vietnam in different fields, including adaptation to climatechange and environmental protection.
Vietnamconsiders climate change a serious challenge to its sustainable development,Binh said, adding that the country has made a lot of efforts to overcome thischallenge such as creating a firm legal framework for actions to cope withclimate change and improving public awareness of climate change.
Vietnamis implementing a strategy on renewable energy development until 2030 with avision through 2050, under which the government has encouraged the mobilizationof all social resources for renewable energy development and increased theproportion of renewable energy in the national power system, he said.
TheParty official proposed Fuller has a stronger voice so that the CanadianGovernment would continue supporting and sharing experience with Vietnam in developingclean energy, stepping up cooperation between businesses in renewable energydevelopment as well as providing technological consultancy and finance for theSoutheast Asian country.
Fulleraffirmed that Vietnam is an important partner of Canada in the region. Vietnamis one of the countries which are the hardest hit by climate change so it needssuitable policies to adapt to and minimize adverse impacts from climate change,she stressed.
Theambassador also expressed her wish to promote cooperation with Vietnam in developingclean energy, applying high-technologies, improving coastal communities’ abilityto adapt to climate change, assisting the sustainable development of thefishery sector and protecting the maritime environment.-VNA