Vietnam, UK discuss ways to fight COVID-19, promote bilateral ties

Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung on April 16 held phone talks with Minister of State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Nigel Adams to discuss cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and promote bilateral ties.
Vietnam, UK discuss ways to fight COVID-19, promote bilateral ties ảnh 1Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung (Photo: VNA) 

Hanoi (VNA)
– Vietnamese Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs To Anh Dung on April 16 held phone talks with Minister of State at the UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office Nigel Adams to discuss cooperation in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and promote bilateral ties.

Dung informed the British official about measures undertaken by Vietnam and affirmed the Vietnamese Government’s determination to control the pandemic, thus ensuring the safety of Vietnamese citizens as well as foreign nationals working and living in the country.

Vietnam stands ready to share its information and experience with the UK in the fight against COVID-19, he said.

Dung also expressed his wish that the UK would share its experience and research regarding COVID-19 treatment to help Vietnam improve its community healthcare capacity, thus joining hands to drive back the global pandemic.

He proposed the UK offer medical support and favourable conditions to Vietnamese citizens living and working in the UK during the period of pandemic.

Adams, for his part, congratulated Vietnam on successfully holding the online Special ASEAN Summit and Special ASEAN 3 Summit on COVID-19, which he said, reflected the country’s active and proactive role in its capacity as ASEAN Chair 2020.

Speaking highly of Vietnam’s achievements in the fight against COVID-19, he wished that both countries would share information and enhance cooperation in the field within bilateral and multilateral frameworks, uphold their voices, especially when Vietnam assumes important roles in ASEAN and the UN Security Council, in a bid to push forward international coordination in the tough fight.

Adams expressed his appreciation for the Vietnamese Government’s donation of 110,000 anti-bacterial cloth masks to the UK, as well as arrangement of the flight carrying British citizens home safely.

As the two nations will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the bilateral strategic partnership this year, the two officials pledged to further improve the efficiency of existing cooperation mechanisms and step up bilateral ties in the fields of politics, economy, security, national defence, education and culture.

They also vowed to work closely together at regional and global forums when Vietnam serves as ASEAN Chair 2020 and a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 tenure./.


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