Addressingthe event, MoLISA Deputy Minister Doan Mau Diep said that since the twoagencies set up their links 15 years ago, they have jointly organisedregular dialogues and actively exchanged information on issues of mutualconcern.
They have also expanded cooperation to law making andtechnical assistance in the fields related to labour, employment, laboursafety and sanitation, and child labour.
Speaking highly of the US ’s financial and technical support for theVietnamese side over the past time, Diep expressed hope that both sideswill share information and review the results of their joint projectsfor sustainable collaboration.
DoL AssociateDeputy Under-Secretary Mark Mittelhauser stated that during thisdialogue, the two offices will seek solutions to shortcomings inimplementing their memorandum of understanding on cooperation as well asmeasures to boost cooperation and law enforcement towards the signingof a cooperation agreement in 2015.
Delegatesdiscussed the possibility for coordination in reducing and preventingchild labour and ensuring labour safety and sanitation.
On December 4, a workshop was organised to share the US ’s experience in ensuring labour safety and sanitation.-VNA