Vietnam, US look forward to the future

Vice Director of the US organisation “Veterans for Peace (VFP)” Chuck Searcy said he and his delegation are in Hanoi to work for a better tomorrow during a roundtable talk recorded in the capital Hanoi on April 16.
Vice Director of the US organisation “Veterans for Peace (VFP)” Chuck Searcy said he and his delegation are in Hanoi to work for a better tomorrow during a roundtable talk recorded in the capital Hanoi on April 16.

At the event, Chairman of the Vietnam-US Association Nguyen Tam Chien informed the participants that 2015 marks 20 years of normalised diplomatic ties between the two nations.

Chien said they have reviewed their past, but the important thing is to keep looking toward and building a bright future.

Associate Professor Desiree Helegers from Washington State University, who is visiting Vietnam for the first time, shared that in her role as a teacher she will educate young Americans about the after-effects of the Vietnam War.

She is currently writing a book about the effects of dioxin on human health.

The VFP delegation is in Vietnam through May 2 and is scheduled to meet with the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/Dioxin and the Veterans’ Association of Vietnam, as well as visit Agent Orange and mine victims and tour a dioxin clean-up site at the Da Nang Airport, among others.-VNA

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