Minh spoke after meeting with Libyan officials from the ministries offoreign affairs, labour and economics during his visit to Libya fromMarch 4-6.
At the meetings, Minh congratulated theLibyan Government and people on coming through their recent difficulttimes and pledged to help rebuild the country.
Healso thanked Libya side for its support to Vietnam when successfullyevacuating more than 10,000 Vietnamese workers from the fightingsituation in Libya .
Libyan officials underlinedtheir determination to strengthen the traditional relationship betweenthe two countries, saying that the Vietnamese leader’s visit gives aresounding message that Vietnam will always support Libya.
The Libyan officials stated that although the country has coped withdifficulties and challenges concerning security and the economy, theybelieve in the country’s democratic process of reform, with the supportof governments and peoples worldwide, including Vietnam.-VNA