Vietnamese children equipped with life skills through rugby

Vietnam’s disadvantaged children will be provided with soft skills like communication, leadership, support, and settlement of negative pressure and contradiction through the “Pass It Back” programme.
Vietnamese children equipped with life skills through rugby ảnh 1Female students play rugby (Photo: ChildFund Vietnam)

Hanoi (VNA) – Vietnam’s disadvantaged children will be provided withsoft skills like communication, leadership, support, and settlement of negativepressure and contradiction through the “Pass It Back” programme, which usesrugby to build resilience among young people.

The programme is developed by the ChildFund Australia, a non-profitorganisation working for poverty alleviation for children in developingcountries, as heard a press conference in Hanoi on August 15.

Under the “Pass It Back” curriculum, children and young people with little orno access to organised sports will be equipped to overcome challenges, inspirepositive social change and pass it back to their communities.

According to Deborah Leaver, Country Director of ChildFund Vietnam, the sportbrings a new approach to promote gender equality as there is no rule aboutgender of the players. Thus, the programme will help boys and girls have equalopportunities to develop life skills.

Bui Thi Tang, a rugby player in Kim Boi district of Hoa Binh province, saidthat: “Through activities in Pass It Back, I feel more confident to share mypoints and more responsible for tackling contradiction among the group’s members.”

She said her team, with 6 players, would set off for the Asia RugbyChampionship in Iceland on August 16.

ChildFund’s Pass it Back programme was set up for children living in rural andremote villages of Laos and Vietnam, who face significant challenges in termsof poverty and inequality. To date, more than 2,500 children and youths in someof the poorest communities in the two countries have benefitted from theprogramme, with girls making up over 50 percent of the players and coaches.-VNA

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