Vietnamese dancer killed in Egypt

Egypt’s prosecution agency on July 26 sent a document to the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt asking for coordination to verify the death of a Vietnamese dancer.
Vietnamese dancer killed in Egypt ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)

Cairo (VNA) -  Egypt’s prosecution agency on July 26 sent a document to the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt asking for coordination to verify the death of a Vietnamese dancer.

According to the agency and local media, the victim, Dam Thi Yen, was killed in New Cairo district last weekend. She arrived in Egypt in mid-May and worked as a belly dancer.

The agency is investigating the case and arrested the suspect.

The embassy is also working with Egyptian authorities to verify the victim’s identity and handle citizen protection procedures.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Egypt Tran Thanh Cong said the embassy is partnering with the host investigators, domestic agencies and the victim’s family to make clear the cause of her death and create conditions to hold funeral and bring her body home.

Cong added that Egypt is continuing to extend emergency state, tighten security and issue strict regulations for immigrants.

According to him, it is not suitable time for Vietnamese citizens to travel to Egypt or seek jobs there.

He also advised Vietnamese citizens to register with representative agencies or contact embassies via websites or hotlines when they go abroad to make it easier for citizen protection in unexpected cases./.


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