Addressingthe signing ceremony in Brandenburg state, Vietnamese Ambassador to Germany Nguyen Minh Vu expressed his delight atclose cooperation between Kocks Ardelt Kranbau and Vietnamese enterprises.
He highly valued Kocks Ardelt Kranbau’s move not to only export their productsto Vietnam but also cooperate with Vietnamese firms to manufacture large cranesright in the Southeast Asian country for export to many markets around theworld.
This brings benefitsto both sides, the diplomat said, expressing his belief that the two companies willcontinue to expand cooperation in the future.
Kocks Ardelt Kranbau’s General Director BerndFlaskamp affirmed that Vietnamese enterprises are leading partners of theGerman company.
The partnership between Kocks Ardelt Kranbau and Vietnamese businesses in thepast time has recorded good results, he said, adding that cranesmanufactured in Vietnam have good quality and meet international standards, andhave been exported to many countries in South America, Russia, and theDemocratic People’s Republic of Korea.
Both sides want to further expand exportmarkets for these cranes, and promote more joint projects in the time to come,he said.
Flaskamp suggested the Vietnamese side create favourable conditions for expertsfrom Kocks Ardelt Kranbau to soon come to Vietnam to assist Vietnamese partnersin the production process.
Kocks Ardelt Kranbau is a leading supplier of cranes for loadingand unloading cargo for majorports in Vietnam such as Hai Phong, Dinh Vu, Ha Long, Da Nang. Having presentin Vietnam since 1989, Kocks Ardelt Kranbau has not only provided finishedproducts to Vietnam but also cooperated with Vietnamese enterprises such asLilama 18 JSC and Tan Cang – Cai Mep TowageService JSC to manufacture cranes for export to other countries, inwhich the German firm provides production technology, training and qualitymanagement systems, and skilled experts to support the Vietnamese enterprises.
After the signing ceremony, the Vietnamese ambassador visited production linesof Kocks Ardelt Kranbau in Brandenburg./.