This is one of a series of activities of twinningresidential clusters in the two border localities, contributing to promoting close relations between Vietnam and Laos in general and between Quang Binh and Khammouan province inparticular.
A lighting facility and a welcome gate, which were constructed with funding donated by the border guard force of Quang Binh and donors, and working daysof people from the two localities with a total value of about 250 million VND(over 10,000 USD), were inaugurated and handed over to the Lao village cluster’sauthority.

Businesses and philanthropists also took this occasion to considerthe possibility of investing in agriculture models and projects in the locality, in a bid to help local people promote economic development and improve their livingstandards.
Colonel Trinh Thanh Binh, Commander of the Border Guard Command of Quang Binh, underlinedthe significance of the activity, saying that these works are symbols ofsolidarity and close coordination between party committees, authorities, sectors,local organisations, and border protection forces of Quang Binh and Khammouanprovinces.
These contributed to further tightening the traditional friendship,special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries ingeneral, and the border protection forces and the people of the two localitiesin particular, he stressed./.