AmbassadorNguyen Manh Hung said China’s placement of the Haiyang Shiyou-981 rigand deployment of many armed vessels in Vietnam’s waters from early Mayis particularly serious and dangerous.
He stressed that China’smove violates Vietnam’s waters and runs counter to bilateral agreementsbetween the two countries on solving sea issues by peaceful measures inline with international law, including the 1982 United NationsConvention on the Law of the Sea, to which China itself is asignatory.
The act also seriously infringes the Declaration onthe Conduct of Parties in the East Sea agreed between ASEAN countriesand China in 2002, and directly jeopardises peace, stability,security and maritime safety in the East Sea, Hung added.
He also underlined Vietnam’s wish to settle disputes with neighbouring countries in a peaceful manner.
Thediplomat cited Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s speech at the ASEANSummit-24 in Myanmar on May 11, in which he said that Vietnam alwaysattaches special importance to maintaining and strengthening itsfriendly relations with China.
However, national territory issacred, and Vietnam vehemently denounces acts of infringement and willresolutely protect its national sovereignty and legitimate interests inconformity with international law, the speech read.
At themeeting, representatives of the Vietnamese people in Laos expressedtheir deep concern over the current East Sea situation and protestedChina’s act.
They also hoped the Party and State of Vietnam will take many measures safeguarding the country’s sovereignty.
OnMay 2, China stationed the rig at 15 degrees 29 minutes 58 secondsnorth latitude and 111 degrees 12 minutes 06 seconds east longitude. Thelocation is 80 nautical miles deep inside Vietnam’s exclusive economiczone and 119 nautical miles from Vietnam’s Ly Son Island.
China has deployed 86 ships of various kinds to the area. They includemilitary, coast guard, marine surveillance, marine patrol and fisheriesships backed by rescue, transport, fuel and fishing ships.-VNA