The debate was attended by UNSecretary-General Antonio Guterres, former UNSecretary General Ban Ki-moon, and senior leaders of 15 UNSC member states and fiveregional organisations.
This is the first time a senior Vietnamese leader has presidedover an important activity of the UNSC, sending the highest-level message of orientations,visions and aspirations for development, foreign policy of independence, self-reliance,peace, cooperation and friendship of the 13th National Congress of the CommunistParty of Vietnam; and strongly affirming the country’s voice, position, commitmentand responsible contributions to mutilateralism, the UN and common efforts forpeace and development in the world.
In his speech, President Phuc emphasised the importance of trust, confidence and dialogue in international relations andhighly appreciated the cooperation between regional organisations and the UN inconflict prevention and resolution.
ThePresident highlighted the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)’s comprehensive and important achievements in building a cohesive and responsive ASEAN Community and promotingcooperation and dialogue with the UN and relevant partners, as well as itsefforts to promote dialogue and build trust in settling regional matters,including the East Sea and Myanmar issues.
On this basis, President Phuc put forward three proposals. First, theinteractions and complementarities between the UN and regional organisations areinherent. They offer a “two-way linkage” to share knowledge and coordinatejoint endeavours. The UN should take the lead in increasing cooperationactivities and exchanges of experience and best practices inconfidence-building and dialogue to prevent conflicts. On the other hand, regionalorganisations, with their unique strengths in practical experience, resourcesand diverse demands, should bolster cooperation with the UN, engage indialogues and share experience at various forums to enhance capacity inpreventing and resolving conflicts.
Second, the UN and regional organisations should further promote the role of multilateralism and uphold theUN Charter and international law, for this is the most concrete and solid foundationto build trust and promote dialogues.
Third, it isnecessary to continue enhancing cooperation between the UNSC and regionalorganisations through dialogue and co-frameworks, and early warningmechanisms for volatilities.
In response,regional organisations should further strengthen their proactive and leadingrole in preventing and resolving conflicts in accordance with international lawand the UN Charter. This can only be achieved when each and every member state hasstrategic trust in each other and share a common political resolve, he said.
The President also affirmed that Vietnam will spare no effort tostrengthen the cooperation between the UN and regional organisations, includingASEAN, and elevate such ties, for peace, security and development around theworld.
Also in the debate, President Phuc chaired the approval of the UNSCPresident’s Statement proposed by Vietnam with the aim of affirming theconnection between the UN/UNSC and regional organisations in conflictprevention and resolution with trust-building and dialogue being essentialfactors.
The statement called on regional organisations to uphold theirsupport roles and put forward recommendations for conflict prevention andresolution to member states in line with the UN Charter and relevantagreements. It also proposed the UN Secretary-General suggest solutions topromote trust-building measures and dialogue in the coming time./.