Hanoi (VNA) – The Dong Hanh Scholarship Fund in Singapore (Dong HanhSingapore) on January 15 organised a Gala Dinner to raise scholarship funds fordisadvantaged Vietnamese students.
Viaauctions, art performances and cash donations, the event raised 8,280 SGD(5,792 USD), equal to 36 scholarships for the school year of 2017.
Thisis the third year Dong Hanh Singapore has organised such an event to grant scholarshipsstudents from the HCM City Economy-Law University and the Hanoi University ofTechnology.
Speaking at the Gala Dinner, Minister-Counsellor Dinh Hoang Linh from theVietnamese Embassy in Singapore, applauded Dong-Hanh Singapore’s scholarshippresentation and affirmed that his embassy always support the fund’s activities.
Sinceits inception in 2014, Dong Hanh Singapore has presented 82 scholarships, eachworth 230 SGD (161 USD), to Vietnamese students, he said.
HuynhNam Khoa, doctorate graduate at the Nanyang Technology University of Singaporeand Chairman of Dong Hanh Singapore, said on the spirit of the Dong Hanh Fund,a non-profit voluntary charity association established in France to assiststudents in 2001, the association of Vietnamese students in Singapore want topass study passion to their peers at home.
After15 years, the fund has become a legal entity in France with a network of around100 members and volunteers in France, Singapore and Taiwan (China).
Sofar, it has awarded 3,124 scholarships worth 260,000 EUR (275,670 USD) tostudents from 16 universities across Vietnam.-VNA