Vietnam’s diplomatic policy introduced in Cambodia

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Vu Quang Minh delivered a presentation on Vietnam’s diplomatic policy at the Royal University of Phnom Penh on October 30, highlighting the development of the partnership between the two nations.
Vietnam’s diplomatic policy introduced in Cambodia ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Vu Quang Minh presents Vietnam’s diplomatic policy at the Royal University of Phnom Penh on October 30 (Photo: VNA)

Phnom Penh (VNA) – Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Vu Quang Minh delivered a presentation on Vietnam’s diplomatic policy at the Royal University of Phnom Penh on October 30, highlighting the development of the partnership between the two nations.

Speaking before the university’s lecturers and over 100 students, Ambassador Minh underlined the importance of the Vietnam-Cambodia traditional friendship, and efforts made by leaders and people of both nation to nurture and promote the relations on the basis of political trust, fair and win-win cooperation, as well as mutual respect and mutual support under the motto of “good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, comprehensive cooperation and long-term sustainability”.

Vietnam pursues a foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, openness, diversification and multilateralisation of international relations and proactive international integration, and being a friend, trusted partner and responsible member of the international community for peace, independence and development, the Vietnamese diplomat stated.

On the basis of this diplomatic policy, Vietnam promotes the expansion of multifaceted, bilateral and multilateral cooperation with other countries and territories, with priority given to developing relations with neighbouring and regional countries, and with power countries and major political and economic centres, international and regional organizations, in line with basic principles of international law and the UN Charter, Minh said.

He noted that over the past years, Vietnam actively negotiated and signed frameworks of friendship and comprehensive cooperation with many countries in and outside the region for the 21st century.

During the presentation, Ambassador Minh also answered questions from RUPP’s students./.

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