During its stay in Argentina, thedelegation had a working session with General Secretary of the CommunistParty of Argentina (PCA) Patricio Echegaray.
Thetwo sides informed each other of the current situation of their Partiesand countries and discussed measures to boost bilateral cooperation inthe time to come as well as regional and international issues of mutualconcern.
General Secretary Echegaray said thatVietnam is a never-ending source of inspiration and encouragement forArgentinean communists, affirming that his Party always attachesimportance to strengthening ties with the CPV.
Phongstressed the CPV’s hope to boost its friendship and cooperation withArgentina ’s political parties, including the PCA, contributing tointensifying cooperation for development in the new era, especially inthe fields of economics, trade, investment and culture.
At the meeting with Argentinean Deputy Foreign Minister Eduardo Zuain,the two sides said they are pleased with the new development of thebilateral ties over the past years, which was marked by visits by theirhigh-ranking leaders.
In addition to trade, the twocountries have also paid attention to fostering cooperation in cultureand science and technology, they said.
During themeetings, both sides agreed that in the current international context,the two countries should increase the exchange of all-level delegationsand the sharing of information, as well as coordination at internationalforums.
On the occasion, the Vietnamese guests alsomet PCA high-ranking officials, who expressed their admiration atVietnam’s past struggle for liberation as well as its greatachievements in the current industrialisation and modernisation.
On July 31, the delegation left Argentina for the 19 th Sao Paula Forum in Brazil.-VNA