Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills

With a stunning French colonial architecture, the French village on top of Ba Na hills is among must-see destinations in the coastal city of Da Nang.
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 1Ba Na Hills tourist site is built on top of Lord Mountain within Ba Na hills at a height of 1,487 metres. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 2Modern cable car network conveniently takes tourists to the top of Ba Na hills. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 3With a beautiful French colonial architecture, the French village is the most impressive work in Ba Na hills tourist site. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 4From Bell Palace, tourists can see the whole French village in clouds. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 5A French-style church is located in the middle of the French village. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 6Mesmerising hotels with flower vases on every balcony (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 7Cau Vang (Golden Bridge) is named as a new world wonder by Britain's best-selling daily newspaper Daily Mail. (Photo: VNP/VNA)
Village in clouds on top of Ba Na hills ảnh 8Cau Vang (Golden Bridge) is named as a new world wonder by Britain's best-selling daily newspaper Daily Mail. (Photo: VNP/VNA)

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