Visit Huyen Khong Son Thuong: A special pagoda in Hue

Huyen Khong Son Thuong is situated in a valley of Huong Tra town, Thua Thien - Hue province. Built in 1989 by Venerable Gioi Duc, the monastery is of Theravada Buddhism.

Get ready to submerge in this tranquility inside Huyen Khong Son Thuong - a hidden monastery of Hue.

Huyen Khong Son Thuong is situated in a valley of Huong Tra town, Thua Thien - Hue province. Built in 1989 by Venerable Gioi Duc, the monastery is of Theravada Buddhism.

This place is rather obscure for locating deep in the valley, surrounded by mountains and pine hills. The monastery is in harmony with its background thanks to the impressively simple architecture.

Standing on an elevation of 300 m above water, the monastery is in a year round mild and pleasant climate. The whole place takes up a hectare, with the public area open for everybody while the restricted area is for the monastery's monks only.

There's no triple gate like other pagodas, just a single gate seen in a typical house with a garden in Hue. The main hall is loosely built based on a traditional "Ruong" house in Hue.

Huyen Khong stays in harmony with the surrounding nature while focusing on practicing meditation. The place is nothing flashy since it uses wood as major material, blending in nicely with nature. In the main hall, they worship Buddha Shakyamuni, Buddha relics and relics of the Holy Sangha.

With charming scenery, Huyen Khong Son Thuong is just the right place for a fine peace and tranquility.


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