NationalAssembly Vice Chairwoman Tong Thi Phong made the appeal at the plenarysession of the 20 th APPF meeting in Tokyo on Jan. 9, adding thatAPPF needs to adjust its structure to follow a closer and more practicaltrend of tightly coordinating with other regional mechanisms.
Shesaid Asia-Pacific needs to increase dialogue and cooperation onpeaceful settlements of regional disputes, including the East Seaissues on the basis of international law and existing cooperativemechanisms, especially the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in theEast Sea (DOC) and the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).
Phongaffirmed Vietnam ’s foreign policy of being active in internationalintegration and acting as a friend, reliable partner and highlyresponsible member state of the international community, proven byVietnamese National Assembly’s active and responsible participation atregional and international parliamentary forums on political, security,economic, social and cultural areas.
The same day, on thesidelines of the meeting, Vice Chairwoman Phong met Deputy Chairman ofJapanese House of Representatives Seishiro Eto.
Phong expressedthanks to Japan for its official development assistance to helpVietnam to develop infrastructure and affirmed that Vietnam willcontinue implementing the nuclear power project with assistance fromJapan .
For his part, Eto expressed his wish to further developthe Japan-Vietnam strategic partnership and that Vietnam will become amore significant partner of Japan in Asia .
He thanked theVietnamese Government and people for their assistance to Japan toovercome the aftermath of the natural disasters in Japan last year aswell as facilitating Japan to take part in important projects to exploitrare earth minerals and build a nuclear power plant./.