VNA elected to OANA executive board

Vietnam News Agency was elected a member of the executive board of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies.
The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) was elected a member of the executive board of the Organisation of Asia-Pacific News Agencies (OANA) for the 2013-2016 tenure at the forum’s 15th general assembly that concluded in Moscow, Russia, on September 20.

Russia’s Itar-Tass news agency won the OANA presidency while the Australian Associated Press , the Anadolu News Agency of Turkey, the Azerbaijan State Telegraph Agency and Iran’s Islamic Republic News Agency took on the vice presidency.

During the two-day event, delegates discussed ways to raise the effectiveness of the OANA members’ activities, especially those relating to applying new technologies in the press.

OANA members agreed to hold the 16th general assembly slated for 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Founded in 1961 on the UNESCO's initiative, OANA serves a forum that allows the direct sharing of information between its 42 news agency members.-VNA

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