VNA, PRD step up cooperation in news exchange

The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and the Public Relations Department of Thailand (PRD) have agreed to boost cooperation in information and news exchange.
VNA, PRD step up cooperation in news exchange ảnh 1VNA Deputy General Director Vu Viet Trang (R) and her PRD counterpart Pichaya Muangnao (Photo: VNA)

Bangkok (VNA) – The Vietnam News Agency (VNA) and the Public Relations Department of Thailand (PRD) have agreed to boost cooperation in information and news exchange.

The agreement was reached during the 16th PRD – VNA Joint Technical Committee Meeting in Bangkok co-chaired by VNA Deputy General Director Vu Viet Trang and her PRD counterpart Pichaya Muangnao in Bangkok on December 2.

Both sides highlighted the efficiency of their cooperative activities, which covered the exchange of journalists to produce external information products.
The two sides will exchange text news and videos to be posted on each other's platforms, and organise Vietnamese and Thai language classes for journalists and editors of both sides.

Hailing the fruitful collaboration between the two organisations, Trang said that their relations have developed in a more practical and deeper manner in recent time, with the exchanged news products reflecting issues of concern of people in the two countries such as climate change, education and training reform, tourism development, and culture preservation.

VNA, PRD step up cooperation in news exchange ảnh 2At the 16th PRD – VNA Joint Technical Committee Meeting in Bangkok on December 2 (Photo: VNA)

The news exchange helps improve efficiency of popularisation about socio-economic development achievements and policies in each nation while making contributions to diversifying information about the ASEAN Community, she stressed.

This year, PRD reporters made various news products about the 16th UN Day of Vesak held in Vietnam, which got widespread coverage on the Thai media. Meanwhile, VNA reporters and correspondents delivered a multitude of information about Thailand’s activities during the nation’s ASEAN Chairmanship 2019, she added.

For her part, Pichaya Muangnao spoke highly of the effective cooperation between the two sides, expressing her hope that they will continue the teaching of Vietnamese and Thai languages to meet the demand of journalists in the context of deep regional integration.

The PRD stands ready to share experience with the Vietnamese agency in the communication work about the ASEAN Year 2019 when Thailand serves as Chair, she said.

At the meeting, the two sides also pinpointed shortcomings in several cooperative contents, and discussed measures to increase the efficiency of joint activities in the time ahead.

Both leaders then inked a document approving the cooperation report and agreeing to improve the efficiency of existing cooperative contents and expand cooperation to new fields such as applying AI in journalism, as well as sharing experience in tackling fake news and making inforgraphics, among others.

The same day, Trang and the VNA delegation visited the Thai Government’s anti-fake news centre at the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, and the Vietnamese Embassy in Thailand.

VNA, PRD step up cooperation in news exchange ảnh 3VNA Deputy General Director Vu Viet Trang (second from right) visits the Thai Government’s anti-fake news centre. (Photo: VNA)

The VNA has cooperated with many communications agencies in the region and the world. Its sound cooperative ties with the PRD have contributed greatly to the Vietnam – Thailand strategic partnership./.

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