Hanoi (VNA) –VietnamNews Agency (VNA) and Xinhua News Agency of China need to increase news onpolitical and socio-economic situation and promote images of people, culture andbusiness climate in the two countries, contributing to deepening thefriendship, understanding and trust between the Vietnamese and Chinese people.
President Tran Dai Quang madethe suggestion during a meeting with visiting Xinhua President Cai Mingzhao inHanoi on May 24.
The State leader affirmedthat Vietnam attaches special importance to retaining and fostering relationsbetween the Parties, States and people of Vietnam and China in an effective,stable and long-term manner.
Cooperation between the two countries’ press agencies has been strengthened, helpingenhance mutual understanding between their people, he said.
President Quang congratulated VNA and Xinhua on the signing of a new cooperationagreement, which defines priorities for their communication links in the newcontext.
He expressed his belief that cooperation among press agencies of the twocountries in general and between VNA and Xinhua in particular, will continueexpanding in the digital era.
The increased affiliation between the two news agencies complies with the pressdevelopment trend and the Vietnam-China Comprehensive Strategic CooperationPartnership, he noted.
As Vietnam hosts the APEC Year 2017 with about 200 meetings, the President suggestedthe agencies enhance links in popularising information on APEC cooperation.
For his part, Xinhua President Cai Mingzhao said his agency treasured PresidentQuang’s recent visit to China, and constantly reported on the activities of theVietnamese delegation.
Briefing the host on Xinhua’s operation in Vietnam and highlighting thelong-lasting relations between Xinhua and VNA, the Chinese official said thatthe two agencies signed many information cooperation agreements, thus providingtimely and exact information on achievements in the bilateral ties,contributing to practically bolstering the Vietnam-China ComprehensiveStrategic Cooperation Partnership.
He affirmed Xinhua and VNA defined their responsibility of creating good publicopinions for the development of the relations between the two Parties, Statesand peoples.
Xinhua commits to increasing information on the cooperation between the twonations and experience of each country in the reform process, and upholding itsrole in tightening the bilateral friendship, he said.
Being aware of the importance of information work during the APEC Vietnam Year2017, he said his agency will send more correspondents to Vietnam to cover APECevents during the year.-VNA