HCM City (VNA) – Ho Chi Minh City’s Departmentof Industry and Trade said on July 11 that it will coordinate with the BerliJucker Public Company Limited (BJC) of Thailand to organise a week ofVietnamese goods in Thailand from October 23 to 27.
The event will take place at the Big C RajdamriSupercenter in downtown Bangkok that attracts averagely 11,000 foreign visitorsa day.
The week will feature 100-150 pavilions and aimto expand the export market for Vietnamese goods in general and key productsfrom the southern economic hub of HCM City in particular.
According to Nguyen Huynh Trang, Deputy Directorof the municipal Department of Industry and Trade, the event is expected to createa good chance for businesses to seek potential partners and build goodsdistribution networks in Thailand.
BJC is one of the leading groups in Thailandthat owns MM Mega Market chains in Vietnam and nearly 1,000 Big C supermarketsin Thailand.
With the strong support of BJC, Vietnamese goodscould penetrate into Thailand, especially Big C supermarkets, Trang said.
Phidsanu Pongwatana, CEO of the MM Mega MarketCo. Ltd., said there is much room for Vietnamese farm produce, aquatic products,fruits, and regional specialties. Thai consumers are in favour of manymade-in-Vietnam products, he added.
As Vietnam is an important market of MM MegaMarket, it wants to implement two strategies at the same time, including thetrade of high-quality products to serve customers in Vietnam and increase thestudy of special products to boost exports to Thailand as well as markets withthe presence of Big C, he said.
Over the past time, many Vietnamese productsexported to Thailand through MM Mega Market such as dragon fruits and sweetpotatoes have received positive feedback from Thai customers, he added.-VNA