Whileworking in the southern province of Dong Nai on May 9, Kasaivowed that his organisation will distribute the antiviral drug Tamifluto Vietnamese cities and provinces whenever an epidemic occurs.
Cao Trong Nguong, Director of the provincial Preventive MedicineCentre, said the province has recorded over 5,600 cases of A/H1N1influenza since 2009, including two fatalities. Meanwhile, no cases ofA/H5N1 or the new strain A/H7N9 have been detected since 2004.
However, Nguong warned that the risk of an outbreak is high as thelocality is a gateway into Ho Chi Minh City, and home to thecountry’s largest flock of poultry. A massive number of foreigners alsocome in and out of the province everyday.
In thepast, the provincial Veterinary Department took 74 samples of salanganebirds raised at farms in the province, which later tested negative forA/H5N1 virus. However, the selling and killing of poultry with ambiguousorigin risk an outbreak.
In the time to come, aSteering Board on epidemic prevention will be established with theparticipation of both medical and veterinary sectors. In case of anyoutbreak in animals or humans, mobile response teams will be set up.More training courses and equipment for medical facilities as well aspublic awareness campaigns on the pandemic will also get underway.
The avian influenza A/H7N9 virus originally emerged in China andhas resulted in many deaths. According to the WHO, elderly people withchronic diseases have the highest risk of contracting the virus. Itssymptoms are similar to A/H5N1 bird flu.-VNA