MONRE Deputy Minister Vo Tuan Nhan said thepartnership is intended to help Vietnam build and implement its circular economyto cut plastic waste, and roll out economic projects and strategies.
The programme will bring together high-rankingleaders of international development organisations and credit organisations,foreign investors, economic sectors and social organisations in the workinggroup.
It will also promote the ministry’s role in joiningand implementing international treaties, and enhance bilateral and multilateralcooperation as well as the public-private partnership in plastic waste management.
Under the programme, experts and scientists will studyand propose orientations and solutions to implement the circular economy andease plastic waste pollution in Vietnam.
Resources from organisations and individuals at homeand abroad will also mobilised to roll out relevant plans, programmes andprojects.
Apart from workshops, policy dialogues andconference, there will be activities and campaigns to raise public awareness ofplastic waste, and promote good practices as well as initiatives in thisfield./.