The event, organised by the Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SMEs)Association, aims to assist local SMEs in fully tapping theopportunities offered by the Vietnam-Japan economic partnershipagreement from 2015-2019.
Participants pointedout that strong tariff cuts under the agreement has opened upopportunities for domestic products to enter the Japanese market,especially key agro-aquatic and garment-textile products.
Tran Dinh Thien, Director of the Vietnam Economics Institute, saiddomestic enterprises should focus on product’s added value rather thanproductivity as well as on developing products unique to Vietnam.
Echoing Thien’s opinion on improving product quality, Nguyen Son fromthe cross-sector Steering Committee for international economicintegration stressed the need for domestic products to meet Japanesestandards to enter the particular market.
Do VanDung, Chairman of the Vietnam-Japan enterprises association alsounderlined the improvement in production methods and process to meetJapanese requirements in product quality and safety.-VNA