The collection,entitled "Phut giay huyen dieu" (Wonderful moment), is the story of theauthor's experiences while working in various jobs, including mining forgold, searching for aloe wood, processing coal, teaching English,slaughtering pigs and driving a taxi motorbike.
Other winning writers were Nguyen Tri for his short stories entitled"Bai vang, da quy, tram huong" (Gold mine, germs and aloe wood); poet MaGiang Lan for his poetry collection "Nhung lop song ngon tu" (Waves ofwords) and translator Nguyen Van Thai for his "Nong dan" (translatedfrom the novel "The Peasants" by 1924 Polish Nobel winning writerWladystaw Stanistaw Reymont).
Tri's short storieshave been written in a special style, with strong southern features,while the translation novel "The Peasants", by Thai, was called acolossal and persuasive task.
The winning works wereselected among 200 entries from throughout the country. Theassociation will present the prizes to winners on January 19 at theVietnam Literature Museum in Hanoi. During the ceremony, the associationwill also announce a list of 36 new members.-VNA