Vietnamcurrently has 17 million young people in the rural areas, accountingone-fifth of the Vietnam ’s population. However, young people inrural areas are mainly working in low-productivity job with meagerincome or jobless, researchers said.
More than one-thirdof 663 rural respondents in a recent survey said they were jobless while35.8 percent of respondents are underemployment.
Thesurvey also found that more than half of employed respondents werefarmers, 11.1% others were public servants, 9.5 percent of them wereworkers and only 1.1percent of them were businessmen. As a matter offact, about 70 percent of employed respondents said they had earned lessthan 2 million VND ( nearly 90USD) per month.
One of themain reasons led to increase unemployment rate among rural young peopleis the rapid urbanisation process. Besides this, it was said that manyagricultural land was taken for building industrial zone, processingzone and public facilities.
From 2004 to 2013, 750,000hectare of land in 49 provinces across Vietnam was used for 29,000investment projects. Vocational trainings for young people in the ruralareas have failed to meet the demand.
Many businesses inthe rural areas were not considered rural labour force as their keyhuman resource. They did not provided financial support for young peopleto help them develop their own businesses meanwhile investment inagriculture was very modest.
The Government hasso far set up rural and industrial development programmes to solveemployment issue for rural labour force. The Government has created over1.2 million new jobs annually and majority of them went for rurallabourers.
Vietnam is expected to have an additional9.5 million people joining the labor force in the next 10 years, andneeds to create 15.3 million new jobs during the period, according tothe job department under the Ministry of Labour, War Invalids, andSocial Affairs.-VNA