Hanoi (VNA) – A consultation workshop was held in Hanoi on August 9 toreview the 10-year implementation of the 11th Party CentralCommittee’s Resolution No.24-NQ/TW on active response to climate change,improvement of natural resource management and environment protection.
Co-hostedby the Steering Committee on reviewing the Resolution, the United NationsDevelopment Programme and the Hanns Seidel Foundation, the event attracted over 100 delegates from ministries, agencies, internationalorganisations and 25 northern cities and provinces.
Thedraft report on reviewing the implementation of the Resolution showed that overthe past decade, further attention has been paid to the work. Policies andmechanisms have been further fine-tuned with new perspectives that align with internationalnorms and contemporary trends.
The response to climate change hastransitioned from focusing solely on adaptation to integrating greenhouse gasemissions reduction, capitalising on opportunities to move towards a green,low-carbon economy. Resources are being surveyed, evaluated and managed in amore sustainable manner, allocated on the basis of market signals through auctions ofusage and exploitation rights.
Environment protection thinking has shiftedfrom passive response to proactive prevention and control of major sources ofpollution. Circular economy principles have been institutionalised. Economicgrowth is gradually reducing its reliance on mining industries. Various greeneconomic, eco-friendly urban planning and sustainable rural development models havebeen launched.
A comprehensive and unified database systemon climate change, resources and environment has been initially established. Digitaltransformation is underway to enhance connectivity and sharing of information andenvironment resource databases.
Participants at the event also proposed goalsand measures for the near future.
Similar events are scheduled to take place inthe central and southern regions, together with three thematic seminars on climatechange response, management of resources and environment protection./.