According to the National Traffic Safety Committee, 184road accidents claimed the lives of 111 people, while two railwayaccidents killed three people. On National Day alone, the countrywitnessed 63 accidents with 48 fatalities and 75 people injured. Noaccidents were reported for waterways.
The deadliest crashoccurred in the northern province of Lao Cai on September 1. Twelvepeople died and 41 people were injured when a bus swerved to avoid anoncoming car. The driver then lost control of the vehicle and plungedinto an abyss at approximately 7 pm in Bat Xat district. The vehicle wasen route from the popular tourist town of Sa Pa to Lao Cai city.
In response to the accident, relevant governmentbodies, including the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry ofTransport and the Ministry of Health, mobilised resources to provideassistance and medical treatment for survivors.
The PrimeMinister conveyed condolences to the families of the deceased andpraised the efforts of the Ministry of Transport, the National TrafficSafety Committee, Lao Cai authorities and local people to rescue thevictims in a timely manner.
The cause of the accident is still under investigation.-VNA