11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform

The 11th National Party Congress took place from Jan. 12-19, 2011 in Hanoi. It discussed and adopted the platform of national construction during the transitional period towards socialism (supplemented and developed in 2011), the 2011-2020 socio-economic development strategy, the report of the 10th Party Cefntral Committee, the Party Statute (supplemented and revised) and many important documents.
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 1The 11th National Party Congress takes place in Hanoi from January 12-19, 2011. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 2Designed and constructed by Vietnam, the Son La hydropower plant, comprising six turbines with total capacity of 2,400 MW and being put into operation in December 2012, is the largest of its kind in Southeast Asia. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 3State President Truong Tan Sang and Russian President Vladimir Putin hold talks in Sochi city during the former’s State visit to Russia, July 27, 2012. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 4Prime Minister David Cameron welcomes Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at 10 Downing Street during the latter’s official visit to the UK, Jan. 22, 2013. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 5Launched on Jan. 4, 2015, Nhat Tan bridge, the longest cable-stayed spanning Red River, becomes a new icon of Hanoi. Five arched towers of the bridge symbolise five ancient gates of the capital city. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 6Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and China’s Party General Secretary and State President Xi Jinping at the welcome ceremony given to the former during his State visit to China from April 7-10, 2015. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 7Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and US President Barack Obama hold talks at the White House in Washington D.C on July 7, 2015 during the former’s official visit to the US from July 6-10, 2015. This was the first visit to the US by a top leader of the Communist Party of Vietnam since the end of the war, marking an important milestone and opening up a new page in the two countries’ relations. (Photo: VNA)
11th National Party Congress: Comprehensive promotion of reform ảnh 8Prime Minister Shinzo Abe hosts a reception for Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong while the Vietnamese leader was in Japan for an official visit from Sept. 15-18, 2015. (Photo: VNA)

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