The objectives of the plan include speeding up the progressof adjusting and supplementing legal documents to put forth the plan to renovate,cut down and simplify regulations related to business activities as well ascitizenship-related papers and administrative procedures that has been approvedby the Government and the PM, improving public servants’ sense ofresponsibility in serving the people and businesses, increasing policy responseefficiency, strengthening administrative discipline, and enhancing the qualityof public services.
Under the decision, in the rest of the year, the approved solutionsto cut down and simplify regulations related to business activities andcitizenship papers will be thoroughly implemented. Plans to cut down andsimplify major internal administrative procedure groups are expected to besubmitted to the PM for approval.
The PM asked ministries and ministry-level agencies to work to streamline 126administrative procedures and groups of procedures related to populationmanagement, along with 402 regulations related to business activities, and 111procedures requiring the delegation of power for processing.
Regarding the overall plan to cut down and simplify 13 major groups ofadministrative procedures, the PM asked ministries and ministry-level agenciesto promptly submit the plan to streamline the regulations and administrativeprocedures that cause difficulties for the people and businesses.
They were also requested to review and submit to authorised agencies a plan tocut down and streamline 59 groups of prioritised internal administrativeprocedures in 12 areas under the management of six ministries.

The group is assigned to support the PM in directing and promptingministries, sectors and localities in implementing targets, tasks and solutionson administrative reform, strengthening administrative discipline and enhancingthe policy response capacity, while assisting the PM in responding to feedbackand report from individuals, organisations and the PM’s Advisory Council forAdministrative Reform related to administrative procedures that hinder productionand business activities and people’s life.
It will work regularly or randomly with the PM’s Advisory Councilfor Administrative Reform as well as the business community, organisations andindividuals to listen to their difficulties and direct the implementation ofsolutions to remove them./.