Addressingthe opening ceremony, Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyonohighlighted encouraging outcomes in building the Community andimplementing ASEAN Connectivity and regional links, while expanding anddeepening ties between the group and its partners, as well asmaintaining its central role in an evolving regional architecture.
Hestressed the need to promote the group’s results in the future,strengthen solidarity and look to a strong ASEAN Community, describingit as a basis for ASEAN to participate in and make more contributions tothe common affairs of the international community ─ especially globalissues of regional concern ─ as well as coordinating a stance at forumssuch as the UN, APEC, ASEM and G20.
After the opening ceremony,leaders of ASEAN countries attended a plenary session to discuss ways toincrease cooperation in building the ASEAN Community, implementingASEAN Connectivity and expanding the group’s external relations.
VietnamesePrime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung delivered a speech at the session,calling for more cooperative efforts to build the ASEAN Community by2015 and an increase in the decision-making role of the association./.