72 percent of entries to Viet Solutions 2020 contest from overseas

More than 200 entries have been sent to Viet Solutions 2020 - a competition seeking digital transformation solutions for Vietnam - with 72 percent coming from overseas, the organising board said on August 26.
72 percent of entries to Viet Solutions 2020 contest from overseas ảnh 1The launching event of Viet Solutions 2020 on July 8 (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) - Morethan 200 entries have been sent to Viet Solutions 2020 - acompetition seeking digital transformation solutions for Vietnam - with 72 percent coming from overseas, the organising board said onAugust 26.

Only 28 percent were submitted byconstestants in Vietnam, with theremainder coming from Peru,Cambodia, Myanmar, Tanzania, Mozambique,Timor Leste, Haiti, Burundi, Laos, andCameroon.

Nearly 70percent provide solutions in areas Vietnam sees as key to developing thenational digital economy, such as transport and logistics, agriculture, education, finance and banking,healthcare, andenergy. Most notable are solutions applying the Internet of Things (IoT) in agriculture, as well as e-learningplatforms,blockchain payment systems,ride-hailing apps, ande-wallets.

The contestwas organised by the Ministry of Information and Communications (MIC) and the ViettelGroup to seek innovativetechnology products or solutions that can integrate into social industries inthe national digital transformationprogramme.

Thecompetition is opento people around the world. Candidates will be connected withpotential partners and attend training to improve their financial management skills and marketing to seek investment.

This is thefirst time the country’s IT industry has organised an annual contest such as this.

The winningteam will receive a cash prize of 200 million VND (8,595 USD), while second andthird place willreceive 100 million VND and 50 million VND, respectively.

They also havethe opportunity to sign business cooperation contracts with Viettel and enjoyprofit-sharing of up to 75 percent.

Viettel alsopledged to cover all the expenses of the threewinning teams to participate in the C1Start-up Cup competition in the US, which has a totalprize pool of 50,000USD, or to attend theWorld Mobile Conference (MWC) 2021 in Barcelona.

Submissions can be sentonline to vietsolutions.net.vn until close ofbusiness on September 25./.

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