Titled Giao Luu Hoa Binh The Gioi (World Peace Exchange), the September 18-22 exhibition features 90 artworks in the form of oil paintings, lacquerpaintings, wood engravings, Chinese-ink paintings and paper fan paintings.
The exhibition, which features artists hailing from the Republic of Korea,China, the US, and Australia, as well as Russia and Vietnam, is being organisedby the Korean International Culture Art Exchange Association. It is a rarechance for artists from different countries to connect through art.
Four of the artists are Vietnamese: Pham Thang Long, Trinh Tuan, Nguyen Van Nghiand Vu Bach Lien.
Some 20 artists presented their works at the exhibition’s opening ceremony onSeptember 18.
Established in 1985, the association has been organising exhibitions across theworld to promote the cause of peace.-VNA