Agriculture sector affirms role in economic development

As a challenging 2021 comes to the end, the agricultural sector has overcome a host of difficulties posed by Covid-19 and surpassed many of its targets a month early, strengthening its role as a strong pillar of the country’s economy.

Covid-19, which was first detected in late 2019 and then setting off a global pandemic, had a negative impact on Vietnam’s agricultural production at the beginning of 2020, which worsened in 2021, with enormous disruptions seen in production, supply chains, and labour supply, among other matters.

Overcoming the challenges from Covid-19, the agricultural sector posted better-than-expected results, ensuring abundant food supplies amid the tough time.

In particular, agricultural exports surpassed the target a month earlier than expected.

Productivity, production, and exports all surpassed targets, but there were certain shortcomings to be overcome in coping with the pandemic.

Agriculture has thoroughly carried out instructions and guidance from the government in implementing the dual goals of preventing and controlling the Covid-19 pandemic and promoting socio-economic development./.