Amended law on media expected to allow greater journalistic freedoms

The National Assembly on November 4 said some provisions in the draft of the amended law on media still hindered media freedom and asked the drafting committee to ensure the law doesn't intervene too
Amended law on media expected to allow greater journalistic freedoms ảnh 1 Illustrative image (Source: baogiaothong)

Hanoi (VNA) - The National Assembly on November 4 said some provisions in the draft of the amended law on media still hindered media freedom and asked the drafting committee to ensure the law doesn't intervene too much in media activities.

The comments were made on November 4 by the NA's Committee for Culture, Education, Youth, Adolescents and Children.

While saying that draft law has adapted to changes in society to regulate the media's activities, the committee also asked the drafting committee to study further and make adjustments.

For instance, the committee said it was unnecessary for the law to require complicated procedures for attaining media activities licences, which it said would hinder media freedom.

The committee was not fond of the draft law's requirement that correspondents or a media branch office must have written acceptance document from a local people's committee when coming to work in the area.

It suggested that media outlets only need to send a letter informing local authorities about correspondents working in the area.

In an interview with local media, Deputy Minister of Information and Communications Truong Minh Tuan, said the amended Law on Media consists of many new provisions that would largely support the media sector's activities.

One of the new contents of the law is that no censorship is conducted before the publication or broadcasting of any media works.

The amended law also features detailed provisions on prohibited content for media to protect individuals' rights and credibility. Currently, many media outlets run articles, intentionally or unintentinally, that infringe on the rights of an individual or an organisation. Such activities are now clearly regulated in the new law.

Tuan also said the infringement of coryright had been a pressing problem for the country's media in the past time. In the new law, it is stated that if such infringements are carried out, those who conduct such acts would have to bear certain punishments.-VNA


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