Artists display patriotic works in Hanoi

More than 10 paintings and sculptures made on the subject of war by artists from across the country are on display in downtown Hanoi.
More than 10 paintings and sculptures made on the subject of war byartists from across the country are on display in downtown Hanoi.

This exhibition is part of a project of the Ministry of Culture, Sportsand Tourism to encourage contemporary artists to compose artworks onthe theme of patriotism.

The displayed items include works ofvarious media, such as oil-on-canvas and lacquer paintings, as well ascopper and stone sculptures, which depict patriotism, bravery, and thesacrifice made by Vietnamese people during the war of resistance againstthe French and American.

"As the years pass by, the memories ofthe heroic battles featured in the artworks become more meaningful,"Deputy Minister of Culture Vuong Duy Bien said.

"They're likereminders, praising our people's patriotism. The exhibition is dedicatedto the older generations who died or were injured while fighting forour independence. I hope the artworks inspire younger generations."

Moreover,Vi Kien Thanh, the head of the ministry's Fine Arts, Photography andExhibition Department, noted that the movement of composing artworks waslaunched in June 2011, when the ministry commissioned 13 artists tocreate pieces of art on the subject.

"I highly appreciate thesculptures made by four artists, three of whom are more than 60 yearsold," sculptor Luu Danh Thanh, who is part of the jury, remarked "They made the sculptures with their hearts, as I know that with sucha small budget from the State (1 billion VND (47,000 USD) spent for all13 artworks), we cannot manage the cost of materials, let aloneencourage creative ideas."

Thanh especially appreciated Phan GiaHuong's sculpture of Vietnamese mothers in three regions. The stonesculpture is so large that it cannot be displayed at the exhibitionhall. Instead, it will be displayed later in the yard at the VietnamMuseum of Women.

Furthermore, Le Anh Van, a painter on the jury,said that four of the eight paintings were of excellent quality, whilethe other four were of good quality.

He added that he appreciatedDao Quoc Huy's oil-on-canvas painting, entitled Suc Manh Nguoi Linh(Strength of Soldiers), which features people at the rear of the battle,such as old mothers and children.

"Although Huy is from theyounger generation that did not experience the wars, he understands thatweapons were not the strength of the soldiers; it was their motherlandand families," Van pointed out.

The artworks will be showcased at Exhibition House, 29 Hang Bai Street, through the end of the week.-VNA

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