At the ministry’s regular press conference on October 20, thespokesperson said at the meeting, the two sides discussed the situation on the East Sea, theimplementation of the DOC and the building of a Code of Conduct in the East Sea(COC).
The two sides affirmed the importance of peace, security, stability, and freedomof navigation and overflight in the East Sea, and at the same time emphasized theexercise of self-restraint, avoidance of actions that may complicatethe situation, and the resolution of all disputes through peaceful means inaccordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Conventionon the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), she said.
Hang added that ASEAN and China also expressed the wish to earlycomplete the second review for a single draft COC negotiating text, and to soonadopt a substantive, effective COC in accordance with international law,including the 1982 UNCLOS, contributing to the maintenance of peace, stabilityand security in the region, promoting cooperation and creating a favourableenvironment for peaceful resolution of disputes in the East Sea./.