Kuala Lumpur (VNA) – ASEANforeign ministers on April 19 issued a statement calling on all parties toimmediately cease violence and exercise maximum restraint in the border areasof Myanmar.
The statement expressed profound concern overthe recent escalation of violence in Myanmar, particularly in the town ofMyawaddy in Kayin state and in Rakhine state where thousands have lost theirhomes.
To avoid further humanitarian consequences fromescalating conflicts in any form, ASEAN calls on all parties to immediatelycease violence and exercise maximum restraint, uphold internationalhumanitarian principles, and take all necessary measures to alleviate tensionsand ensure the protection and safety of all civilians, it said.
The ministers also called for urgent actions tomitigate the impact of the conflict on civilians, including creating a safe andconducive environment to ensure the timely and safe delivery of humanitarianaid.
The statement expressed support for thecontinuous efforts of the ASEAN Coordinating Centre for Humanitarian Assistanceon Disaster Management (AHA Centre), as well as the cross-border humanitarianinitiatives by Thailand, in line with the Five-Point Consensus. It alsohighlighted coordination with Laos, the ASEAN Chair for 2024, through itsspecial envoy to Myanmar.
Additionally, the ministers called forfacilitating humanitarian aid activities and promoting comprehensive nationaldialogue aimed at achieving a long-term and comprehensive political solution inMyanmar./.