ASEM Day 2018 spotlights youth’s role for regional development

The Asia-Europe Meeting Day (ASEM Day) 2018 was held in Jakarta, Indonesia on March 26, highlighting the role played by youths in coping with global challenges.
ASEM Day 2018 spotlights youth’s role for regional development ảnh 1Participants at the event (Source: VNA)

Jakarta (VNA) – The Asia-Europe Meeting Day (ASEM Day) 2018 was held in Jakarta, Indonesia on March 26, highlighting the role played by youths in coping with global challenges.

The event, jointly organised by Indonesia’s Foreign Ministry and Bina Nusantara University, saw the participation of hundreds of international students from European and Asian countries, and representatives of 28 embassies of ASEM member nations and those from the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).

With the theme “Partner for Global Challenges: Youth in Power”, the event aimed to promote programmes and achievements of ASEM.  

It also provided a chance for ASEM member nations to promote tourism, education, culture; and enhance connection with students from universities in Jakarta.

In his speech at the event, Director for American and European Intraregional and Interregional Affairs under the Indonesian Foreign Ministry Muhammad Anshor emphasised in terms of economics, 53 ASEM partners account for 60 percent of the global GDP, while highlighted the region’s potential.

Young people have many opportunities to tap the potential, he said.

Embassies from ASEM and ASEF member countries joined an exhibition presenting typical culture, and information related to people and landscapes in their countries. Traditional foods from the countries were also displayed at the event.

Students had a dialogue on enhancing the role of young people in ASEM with representatives from the Indonesian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and ASEM member nations, and experts from institutes.-VNA

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