Addressingthe closing ceremony, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources andEnvironment Tran Hong Ha put forward an action programme prioritisingthe building of bilateral and multilateral cooperation mechanismsrelating to green growth such as a green climate fund and a cleandevelopment mechanism.
Ha said ASEM governments’ role should befurther enhanced in building green growth mechanisms and policies whilenon-governmental organisations and business communities should beencouraged to involve in green growth.
Barriers in the transfer of green technologies among ASEM members and in the world need to be removed, the deputy minister said.
Inaddition, developed countries in ASEM should assist other members intraining human resources in green economies and green growth towards thecommon goal of green growth and sustainable development, he added.
Thetwo-day forum focused on green growth models applied in ASEM members,sharing experiences and lessons of green growth and analysing advantagesand difficulties of countries when pursuing the goal of developinggreen economies and green growth./.