Participants focused theirdiscussions on the prospective strategies of parliamentary organizationsaiming to enhance efficiency and transparency in communication as wellas the role of information technology in the development of parliaments.
In his speech, General Secretary of the Lower House ofParliament of India Anoop Mishra said his country’s specialisedcommittees are responsible for assessing, offering recommendations, andproducing periodic reports while legislative bodies supervise and reviselaws to ensure the practice of adopted laws.
Delegates alsoheard introductions to the Union’s recent activities and debated on theagenda for the upcoming meeting, scheduled to take place in CartagenaDe Indias, Colombia from October 31-November 4.
The ASGP—aconsultative body of the IPU—seeks to facilitate contact betweenSecretary Generals in parliamentary assemblies, whether such assembly isa member of the IPU or not. ASGP membership is independent of the IPU.
The task of the association is to study the law,procedure, practice and working methods of different Parliaments;propose measures for improving the methods; and secure cooperationbetween the services of different Parliaments.-VNA