Ba Ria-Vung Tau (VNS/VNA) - Authoritiesof Vung Tau city in the southern coastal province of Ba Ria-Vung Tau haveapproved adjustments to the city’s development plan to 2035.
The plan aims to convert Vung Tau city into anenvironmentally friendly city and centre for national tourism,finance and trade, with a developed maritime economy.
The adjustments were made to resolve theconflict between economic development and preservation of environmentalresources.
The plan focuses on various areas, includingurban planning, land funds, urban design, strategic environmental evaluationsand response to climate change and rising sea levels.
A public transport system and urban undergroundsystem, as well as new urban lighting system, will also be built orupgraded.
In addition, the plan includes proposals oneco-farming and high-tech centres.
To meet its goals, the provincial governmentwill establish investor-friendly reforms in many areas.
It plans to increase investments in distributionnetworks, technology transfer, skill development, and funding for small- andmedium-sized enterprises.
The four key sectors in the province includeseaport logistics, high-tech industrial production, tourism and high-techagriculture.
Other areas of opportunities for investorsinclude food processing, shipbuilding, traffic infrastructure andmetallurgy-mechanical engineering.
Vung Tau city has a total area of 15,000hectares. To attract more visitors, the authorities will offer new eco-tourismservices, including visits to mangrove forests and aquaculture breeding areas.
The province have large areas of mangroveforest, which is the home of endemic wildlife such as black tigers and parrotsand many fertile river mouths ideal for breeding marine species are now the keyto a master plan for developing green community tourism integrated withcultural activities.
Under the plan, the province targets 8.6 millionvisitors by 2025, an annual average growth rate of 11 to 13 per cent, at least16,000 high-standard hotel rooms, and 38,000 new jobs.
In the first half of this year, the provincewelcomed 6.5 million tourists and earned 2.8 trillion VND (around 123 millionUSD) from tourism activities, according to the provincial Department ofTourism.
Besides tourism, city authorities are alsomaking efforts to develop high-tech agriculture that would produce high-qualityproducts at high yields.
About 50 companies have submitted proposals toinvest in high-tech agricultural projects on a total of 5,000ha.
The province has asked district authorities andother officials to help investors set up their projects.
Ba Ria-Vung Tau province, which has a 305km-longcoastline, is one of the leading tourism hubs in Vietnam. With a cool anddry temperature all the year round, it is an ideal place for sea sports tourismand the development of deluxe seaside resorts.
Vung Tau city, lying on a peninsula of the samename, is the commercial and tourism centre of the province.-VNS/VNA